Saturday, July 6, 2013

The Exodus-God is Liberating his People, what is their responce

The Exodus of all of God's chosen people is a liberation, commemorating the
unprecedented and dramatic redemption from slavery of the Israelite nation.
The Torah or our Old Testament depicts this liberation as one of the world’s
greatest moments in all of history: we see this people, six hundred thousand
strong, bearing all their possessions in bundles on their backs, standing on the
banks of the Red Sea. However before them the raging waters; behind, fierce
Egyptian army lead by the Pharaoh. For may this historic moment is known, even
to those who never had read the Holy Scriptures, the word of our Lord. We all
know this story. We’re used to regarding it as a tale of historical and
political liberation, which it certainly is, but for the first time I understood
this on a deeper level as well, to the point where yesterday I was brought to my
knees in humbleness and awe of our Lord God. This is also a story of a spiritual
liberation, about growth in God for Moses. This comes as a guy who was high up
in Egyptian society that ignores his Jewish roots, abandons the God of his
fathers to worship the Egyptian lifeless gods and goddess's, and murders an
Egyptian who was working the Hebrews too hard. Then one of the sheep (I’m
skipping around a little assuming that you guys know some of these details, if a
bit fuzzy please go back to Exodus the second book in the bible to fill in the
blanks) leads him down into what I can only think of as a cave like structure.
What Happens next is truly amazing!!!

Please Read Exodus 3: 2-22 in you favorite Bible translation and continue on:

Truly this is amazing, God liberating his people. Many people do not understand the Old Testament, but it is a story (a true and historical story mind you) that God liberate those who love him and picks up the low in society, gives justice, loves the humble, and raises the lowest in
society. Even when the Son of God came to us in his riches and permanently too
place in our humanity, sunk really low, relied on people early in his life, was
a carpenter, corrected what went wrong which was no fault of his own, suffered
crucifixion, rose again, permanently bears the marks of your sins, and loves us
unconditionally anyways. This is truly amazing. God is the GREATEST!!! However
here in America we still have slaves, usually young human trafficking slaves,
and across the world there are more slaves than ever which means we are not
doing our part as God's people, as disciples of Jesus. If we look at Exodus from
the narrator (Moses) and what he is trying to convey through the Holy Spirit is
that the People (God's Children) being liberated by God from the hands of the
ruthless Egyptian pharaoh and his people. As followers of Christ we tend to
identify with Moses the narrator but perhaps we should take a closer look For
those in the west we should realize wait a minute, we are not the Israel but we
are the Egyptians but in fact living in the so called first world and we are
very much so more like the Egyptians which is not a good thing. I think the west
has always struggled with these issues throughout history! We need to remember
God loves all and deposes the proud and the unjust.

God's liberation of his people via the exodus out of Egypt was the primary celebration is the Jewish Passover and Jesus is the modern Passover. Just as the blood of the Lamb in Exodus allows for death to pass over his People, we are marked by the Sinless lamb Jesus Christ by which we are saved from sin and the second death. God Bless.

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