Sunday, December 1, 2013

Intro to Advent: Advent Series Part 1

 2 Peter paraphrase: Therefore I intend to keep reminding you of these things, even though you know them already. One of the blessings of a church that goes by calendar is it constantly is reminding us of things. Were we come from, were all hope stems from, knowing who we are and who we are for, who we belong too. At this time of year it is getting colder and darker, often dreary in setting. The days grow shorter and shorter, and at least where I live the nights get longer and colder. Even so we have well heated and lighted buildings we can rely on, but God's people of the past hadn't had these modern advantages, imagine how frightening life was around the early church with the persecution, martyrdom, and so much more. Imagine how much they longed for deliverance the saving Grace of God and their need for a savior. Our need is just as great especially because of all the modern idols that steal our thoughts and time. Our need is every bit as great, its just has become easier to ignore because of modern conveniences (which is truly sad)-we are just as much in the face of tragedy, despair, remorse, sin. Our need is every bit as great, Advent is the celebrating the  upcoming birth of Christ among us/is a time to slow down and notice. Notice what you may be asking, to notice how much we need God and nothing can replace him, no amount of technology or anything at all can replace him- We need God who is far bigger than our appetites or our inadequacies, a God who expects much of us and gives much to us, and saves us who turn away --saving us even from our selves. May we have the Grace and discipline to enter this season to prepare us for anything and everything our redeemer has in store for us. God Bless

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