Thursday, December 19, 2013

Advent Message II- Let us not be distracted

I love Advent and the seasons of the Church, it is so helpful and it is one of the reasons I left the. I love being in a liturgical church that uses a calend as it emerses us in the seasons of the Church and gives us a chance to take part of the created order, it isnt all about us, and no not everything does revolve around us. While we have free will we are not in control of it all. This allows us and gives us the chance to allow us to remember who we are and who we are for. We should wait and do our best to remember what the real meaning of this season is about. As much as I enjoy the Christmas stories of Frosty, Santa, Rudolph, Jack Frost, and what not, those stories are not nearl as important and they are not central, just entertainment. It isnt even about family or giving to others (though these are good secondary themes and Christian Ideals). Lets try to observe Advent because they help us remember who and who we are. It helps us remember why we do the work we do whether, political, social, church, work, or otherwise-we do it because we are following God and he is leading us to use our talents in these areas to bring Glory to him and his kingdom. Advent is like that, the church's seasons, they are for our benefit not to limit us or chain us to a strict set of rules. Now if you want to forget all about advent season and go home and decorate your house prematurally for Christmas if you want to put a baby Jesus dall in the manger now and set in the stable surrounded by blow up frotsty the snowman and blinking light reindeer you can do that! As far as I can tell God isnt going to be offended or put off or hurt. Your certainly not going to hurt anyone else either. Its your own business and certainly absolutley none of my buisness. None of these events mean you follow Christ less or you shall not have eternal life, but my respeoncibilities is places under my domain such as my house or church remain provide an oasis for those who wish to avoid the superhyped comercialized premature Christmas...You can decorate your house, walk the streets, you cna open a newspaper, turn on your tv and find lots of this version of Christmas. However some places in our lives, some of us want and oasis from all of that, where we remember what this season is really about, the anticapation, waiting, and celabration of the birth of the divine among us. May you have a blessed Advent whatever way you choose to spend it!

Sunday, December 1, 2013

Intro to Advent: Advent Series Part 1

 2 Peter paraphrase: Therefore I intend to keep reminding you of these things, even though you know them already. One of the blessings of a church that goes by calendar is it constantly is reminding us of things. Were we come from, were all hope stems from, knowing who we are and who we are for, who we belong too. At this time of year it is getting colder and darker, often dreary in setting. The days grow shorter and shorter, and at least where I live the nights get longer and colder. Even so we have well heated and lighted buildings we can rely on, but God's people of the past hadn't had these modern advantages, imagine how frightening life was around the early church with the persecution, martyrdom, and so much more. Imagine how much they longed for deliverance the saving Grace of God and their need for a savior. Our need is just as great especially because of all the modern idols that steal our thoughts and time. Our need is every bit as great, its just has become easier to ignore because of modern conveniences (which is truly sad)-we are just as much in the face of tragedy, despair, remorse, sin. Our need is every bit as great, Advent is the celebrating the  upcoming birth of Christ among us/is a time to slow down and notice. Notice what you may be asking, to notice how much we need God and nothing can replace him, no amount of technology or anything at all can replace him- We need God who is far bigger than our appetites or our inadequacies, a God who expects much of us and gives much to us, and saves us who turn away --saving us even from our selves. May we have the Grace and discipline to enter this season to prepare us for anything and everything our redeemer has in store for us. God Bless

Thursday, November 21, 2013

Part II of Prayer Series: God Hears our Prayers

 Does GOD hear and or answer prayers? What do you think? He most certainly does!!!! Remember when God's people were wandering in the dessert for years and years and years and years!  God heard those  people and Moses now didnt he.  When God hears us Cry out, what does he do you may be asking yourself.  God is with us even as Jesus and God the Father preside in Heaven the third part of the trinity the Holy Spirit is here with us and when two or more gather in God's name, Jesus is in the midst. Jesus is always in our hearts. We are the hands and feet, the body of Christ until Jesus returns. God often answers using us, his people!  That is part or one way God answers, but that isnt all. God motivates us to respond to those who cry out, the poor who need us, the sick, and the lowest among us. As followers of Christ it is our job to answer God's call for us to help those people. God can hear us, for God is love! God hears us through many ways-through our worries, our prayers or conversations with him, through the suffering of the world, through the love in the world, he hears us when we are gathered as his body for sure, God is beyond humanity. God is mroe than the human part of creation!!! God created all that is and it all reflects his awesome glory and power and love in some way. This shows his ability to create and heal all that is and bring life out of nothing and death. We need to listen to God in our lives, he speaks to us through nature, God is also in the scilence. It is often a subtle and quiet, yet quite obvious feeling in your heart were you here God answer your prayers and suddenly you know what God is telling you.  Encouraging video  below for the short hymn Here our Pray O' Lord

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Prayer Series Part 1 : Making and taking time to Pray

Sometimes life becomes just one thing after another, it piles on and becomes unbearable. We jump out of bed not nearly getting enough sleep, slam that snooze button a few times, and wake up as zombies. After that we are constantly on the run worry about anything and everything. We are either taking care of our families (Im not to the that point yet), finishing a project for work that is past the deadline, or having one of those cram study sessions. The day becomes a complete blur, it all is lost. Life becomes meaningless. We need regular prayer!!! Those who are Anglican know in the Prayer book their are morning and evening (and even midday) prayer time in the prayer book. However for those who are reading this blog and are not Anglicans but Christians none the less can set up prayer times as well. Christ tells us to pray unceasingly through our every though word and deed. Not many people practice prayer as a spiritual discipline anymore. It is good sometimes to pray about what is on your mind as a conversation, but it is also good at times to say set prayers as the way we worship helps to form us. Prayer as a routine and life,  something we stop and do at a regular basis, gradually we begin to grow in understanding and fellowship with God the more we pray. We don't pray to God at regular times to win him over or to be holier than someone else. but to grow in our relationship with God, our trust in him, and in fellowship with him. You cant have a relationship if you never talk to them.

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

A Deeper look in John 19: 10-11 (Give Cesar what belongs to him and God what belongs to Him)

Jesus always taught that what is the property of Men such as should given to them, however heavenly should be given to the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit or put as treasuers in heaven. Futher in this passage he tells Pilate that his authority is that of which is given by God himself. This has been a crystal clear Christian teaching throughout the Church's history. The rulers have been appointed by God check evil doing and to promote and reward the good and the 1st letter of ST.Peter also agrees. This means Christians are bound by their rulers. Except in such cases of course where these rulers have proclaimed and enforced what God has forbidden or on the other hand forbid what God has commanded. Then apostles we must reply by saying we God's authority which is in heaven over the authority of men. Christians should aby by law of the land if at all possible and be good citezens. We should desire to good and love all people regardless of race, background, or sociological economic status. As far as possible we shall respect to obey the rulers of the land. But at the same time we must what is right and help the poorest among us Just as Jesus himself did. Stand those who are oppressed, set the captives free, and spread love of God everywhere. We must try our best to make sure the society we live in to the best of our capabilities is going according to the plan of God and is community of Goodwill and love towards all, for God is love.

John 19:10-11 NLT 10 “Why don’t you talk to me?” Pilate demanded. “Don’t you
realize that I have the power to release you or crucify you?” 11 Then Jesus said, “You would have no
power over me at all unless it were given to you from above. So the one who
handed me over to you has the greater sin.”

Friday, October 11, 2013

Ephesians Ch:6-Put on the Armor God has given you

Our battle is many areas. Here is the first one we have. While God has created a great World it has been infected by the virus of selflishness that leads to sin. We have the rulers, authorities, powers, and power systems of this dark world we are living in and the second is the spirtual forces of evil in the heavenly realms that are behind the seans. The verse 13 says Theirfore put on the full armor so that when the day of evil comes you may be able to stand your ground and after you have done everything you will be able to stand. Verse 14 opens with stand firm then. What we have to realise as crazy as it may sound to some people, every Christian knowns their is this invisible battle and war going on This isnt just for the big day of evil since it isnt capatalized, but this refers to anyday of evil or suffering. Whenever their is attack of any kind going on in your life you will be able to stand your ground. If you do not have the indwelling Holy Spirit of God, the third part of the Holy Trinity you can read God's word or in other terms the bible everyday and get nothing out of it. However when you confess CHrist as your saviour with a truthful heart then you know you are saved and changed and the Holy Spirit will breath life into the words of the Bible and bring life to them and you, but this time the everlasting kind. The second part of the armor of God is putting on the breast plate of righteousness-1st John Ch 1:9 says: if we confess our sins then God our Father will be faithful and just, forgiving us of our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness. The devil loves us too keep secrets, but God already knows our problems and wants us to confess our sins to him and repent. Choose God. Next we put on the belt of truth-This means walking with God always and in all aspects of life. When we do this we are growing in our faith constantly-it is something God does because of our time spent with him and his word (super important). Then we have the shield of faith-it helps us block attacks on us, then we have the helmet of salvation-his power is dwelling in us -greater is he in us than those in the world, which leads us to have favorite scriptures and prophets to build us up and to help us in our personal ministry by the Holy Spirit since he knows the beginning from the end. I always end each night in prayer before I rest my eyes, also try to pray each morning, and I definetly pray throughout the day-this is our time spent with God who is strengthening us. Finally we have the Word which is the sword that strikes down evil. Hope you enjoyed this message, God Bless you!

Sunday, September 29, 2013

A Message of Hope in Christ

Tonight Im righting this because of the persecution of my fellow brothers and sisters in Christ their is always hope and he wont abandon you. Whether you are locked behind doors or not Christ is with you just like he was with his original disciples that were locked behind doors that very first Easter. Jesus tells us peace be with you. The only safe place is to know that God will hold you in love forever, he saved you, and he will not abandoned you. Wherever you go tomorrow  and every day the risen Christ goes before you because their are no places God wont go for his children, no depths to low, as was proven by the Lords death and resurrection. Hold strong and confident as Christ, as he will see us all through this time. God Bless!

Friday, September 20, 2013

Reserection NT Wright

Today I am just sharing a link to an amazing video featuring the former Anglican Bishop of Durham and leading New Testament scholar  Dr.  N.T  Wright on the historical truth of the Resurrection.

Saturday, September 14, 2013

The Cleaning Temple and its meaning

Throughout Jesus amazing public ministry he did things no one thought the Messiah would do, when he publicly announced on the streets the forgiveness of peoples sins, an assurance that many did not understand. Before God sent his son to save the world people who be forgiven of sins by going to the temple and offer sacrifice to the Lord. Usually their would be some kind of celebration after, however with Jesus the Sins were forgiven without any intermediate steps, because he is God in the flesh and people celebrated right on the spot.

Then questions arouse who does he think he is, does he think he is God? The miracles and other such events that Jesus were preforming were undermining the temples authorities. However when he healed the Leaper he told him to go to the temple to show himself as clean. The Leaper needed to do that so he could be re integrated into society. Jesus was fulfilling the purpose of the temple, basically replacing its purpose.

The newest questions where asking was Jesus or the temple representing the will of God and the coming Kingdom. Their is evidence that the poor felt at the time the temple was an oppressive regime more interested in following a set of rules and making a profit than glorify God. However Jesus isn't saying the temple was an evil thing, but was a thing of the past. Simply put he is saying God the Father is doing a new thing.

When Jesus overthrew the tables of the money changers he stopped the flow of sacrifices being bought at the temple for a while (as they had to be blemish free and essentially perfect). What this says is that this whole system in under judgment and not before to long the system will stop completely because the temple will be destroyed completely.

Ultimately what our Lord was saying is that through me you have God with you, as Jesus is God, therefore you now have in reality what the temple was pointing towards. Does this mean the temple or law was a bad thing, no it doesn't. What it does mean is that the temple was a good sign post that pointed to a future reality, forgiveness of sin through the Messiah and is now its purpose has been fulfilled and now it is time for its destruction. He is not saying it destroyed because it was a bad thing, what he is saying is that the temple pointed to God's future plan and that if they are only looking to the thing that points to the Jesus and not Jesus they have missed the point which is idolatry and not true worship of God.

When Jesus came people were so focused on the temple that they failed to see that it pointed to him as the savior of the world, therefore it has worn out its use. Now our bodies are a temple unto the Lord. God Bless.

Thursday, September 12, 2013

What does the Resurrection Mean?

In modern society we have no real understanding of cost or sacrifice, as we have a view of cheep grace. However many don't realize that real healing and forgiveness comes from restitution, from cost, and from sacrifice. It isn't that God just sent his son to be killed, no that isn't the message. What Jesus did as the son of God is to in obedience to the Father's divine will, carrying out that will in a society that has gone corporately wrong (which is actually what original sin means), It is his obedience in the contexts of the corrupt society that ultimately leads to the crucifixion that restores our relationship which was broken between God and man.

So all of the evil, sin, and injustice in the world was put on Jesus and which he willingly took so we may have eternal life. Isaiah talks about how our Savior was bruised for our transgressions, beaten for our iniquities, and how he has overcome sin and death, so we may live again, eternally with him. It is key to remember Colossians 2 that Jesus through his resurrection took the worst and disarmed the principalities and powers of this world: What Paul is saying all the evil and the sin of this world did its worst to Jesus and he took this pain for us and defeated and broken its bonds forever through the power of his resurrection. All glory and thanks to God three in one, Lets give thanks for reserectiona and God incarnate among us, God Bless.

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Praying and Remembering those who died on 9/11

Today we remember all those who died senslessy and violently 13 years ago, the tears fresh upon my face to this day. 

Yearning and hoping peace may come to this land through God,  we pray for hearts that may grow and change so that no nation will study war.  
Micah 6:8  No, O people, the LORD has told you what is good, and this is what he requires of you: to do what is right, to love mercy, and to walk humbly with your God  (NLT).  When you live by this, you will begin to see the world transfom before your very eyes.  Christians and Jews  alike share an understanding that peace can only occur when you align your heart with God's intentions, and God is LOVE. Align your Heart with God's peace changes realtiy overtime, How do we pray for our enemies that persecute and hurt us- How do you forgive those that toture, you look for Jesus in them, you see them as the humble Christ laying in a manger,  wrapped in swattling cloth.  Changed hearts seek not vengance, but seak love, peace, and greater life. Pray for those who acted violently and all those lives lost. May we change the hearts through prayer and love, yes we can for We can do all things through Christ who Strengthens us.

Sunday, September 1, 2013

Loving God and Neighbors-Based on passage Based on Mathew 25: 31-36

Hello Everyone todays teaching is on Loving God and others. The passage used for this post is at the bottom of the page which is from Mathew 25: 31-36 in the New Living Translation, which is my favorite translation. Here we go:
A question to ask yourself is how can we love God when we don't love our neighbor? We must not deny the physical needs or the spiritual needs of others for they our brothers and sisters. They are not only physically hungry but also hungry for the Word of God. As Jesus said "Men do not live by bread, but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God". We must be concerned for all people and love them, as God loves ALL his people, whether they know him or not he loves them and expects us to care for them. We need genuine love and concern for those in need. We must respect and  help those in need, treating them will love, kindness, and dignity that is given to ALL God's children, they have been created to love and be loved.
God loves and raises the lowest among us and we are to love and to care and help these people. These include but are certainly not limited to the homeless, the unloved, a throw away of society, and more! May we show the love of God to others, those who so desperately need us. Let us do as God asked to be that lovingness, that kindness, and thoughtfulness to them, let us be light and salt unto the earth and all its people. God is of the living so me mustn't be afraid but be living for him fully which means following him, loving him with all are hearts minds souls and strength, sharing life, loving, not being afraid, and spreading the good news, lets remember the world shall know that we are Jesus's disciples by our love.
 New Living Translation (NLT) Mathew 25: 31-36
“But when the Son of Man comes in his glory, and all the angels with him, then he will sit upon his glorious throne. 32 All the nations will be gathered in his presence, and he will separate the people as a shepherd separates the sheep from the goats. 33 He will place the sheep at his right hand and the goats at his left.
“Then the King will say to those on his right, ‘Come, you who are blessed by my Father, inherit the Kingdom prepared for you from the creation of the world. 35 For I was hungry, and you fed me. I was thirsty, and you gave me a drink. I was a stranger, and you invited me into your home. 36 I was naked, and you gave me clothing. I was sick, and you cared for me. I was in prison, and you visited me.’
 “Then these righteous ones will reply, ‘Lord, when did we ever see you hungry and feed you? Or thirsty and give you something to drink? 38 Or a stranger and show you hospitality? Or naked and give you clothing? 39 When did we ever see you sick or in prison and visit you?’
 “And the King will say, ‘I tell you the truth, when you did it to one of the least of these my brothers and sisters, you were doing it to me!’
 “Then the King will turn to those on the left and say, ‘Away with you, you cursed ones, into the eternal fire prepared for the devil and his demons.[g] 42 For I was hungry, and you didn’t feed me. I was thirsty, and you didn’t give me a drink. 43 I was a stranger, and you didn’t invite me into your home. I was naked, and you didn’t give me clothing. I was sick and in prison, and you didn’t visit me.’
“Then they will reply, ‘Lord, when did we ever see you hungry or thirsty or a stranger or naked or sick or in prison, and not help you?’
45 “And he will answer, ‘I tell you the truth, when you refused to help the least of these my brothers and sisters, you were refusing to help me.’
46 “And they will go away into eternal punishment, but the righteous will go into eternal life.”

Thursday, August 29, 2013

God Loves all his children and He raises those thrown out by Society

Some people look down and exclude people with disabilities, Ive seen it recently. Well let me tell you when I worked these wonderful individuals they where some of the most wonderful, kind, and loving individuals I ever met. These people also taught me a lot about God and how great God is. No matter what their condition they stayed strong in the Lord, truly they are as much children of the Living God as you and I are. Jesus is always raises those who have been outcast by society, and raises them. The lowest on this earth will be the highest in Heaven above. These people taught me a lot about life and about God, truly amazing people leading amazing life's of encouragement, hope, and love. I once got a card once from one that I still own and cherish today that says God loves you and me. It was great, truly these are children of God.

Monday, August 26, 2013

Finding what God has called you to?

Everyone has a calling in life and one of the biggest missions in life is to find out what that calling is and to honor that call. For the longest time I thought I wanted to MD and then I realized that wasn't what God called me to. Now Im doing architecture and spreading the Good News of the coming Kingdom of God to all those who wish to hear. Sometimes these callings lead you to places you never thought of or dreamed where possible. In order to figure out who you are and meant to be is to ask God that question and wait for his answer so you can use it to serve him and to help people around the world. People think they need a lot of... money and to get paid for these things. That isn't what makes some successful in their life or from God's eyes. What one needs to do is look at their life from heaven's eyes as people's value aren't measured in money. You are here to fulfill what God has called you to do, I love and put God first, teach about him on a blog, and tell all those who wish to hear about him and am happier than ever (some day I hope to go to seminary and perhaps be ordained), so life isn't about money. Go on and find that calling, you'll never be happy till you find it

Thursday, August 22, 2013

Magi-why does everyone always assume their is three of them?

Im not really sure why everyone assumes their where three magi, lets look at Mathew 2: 1-8 Jesus was born in Bethlehem in Judea, during the reign of King Herod. About that time some wise men from eastern lands arrived in Jerusalem, asking, “Where is the newborn king of the Jews? We saw his star as it rose, and we have come to worship him.”  King Herod was deeply disturbed when he heard this, as was everyone in Jerusalem. He called a meeting of the leading priests and teachers of religious law and asked, “Where is the Messiah supposed to be born?”  “In Bethlehem in Judea,” they said, “for this is what the prophet wrote: ‘And you, O Bethlehem in the land of Judah,are not least among the ruling cities of Judah, for a ruler will come from you who will be the shepherd for my people Israel. Then Herod called for a private meeting with the wise men, and he learned from them the time when the star first appeared. Then he told them, “Go to Bethlehem and search carefully for the child. And when you find him, come back and tell me so that I can go and worship him, too!

We always see the seen the baby Christ is in the manger and three magi (well their is some rebellion to that now, but most people still want to see even if they don't follow our Lord). Also what is meant by the nativity seen, it the birth seen and comes from Latin. We see Jesus's conception in Luke 1: 26 it was announced 6 months into Elizabeth's conception with John the Baptist. Jesus was born slightly before the death of Harrod (the King at the time).

"The Magi also referred to as the three Wiseman where a group of distinguished foreigners who visited Jesus after his birth, bearing gifts of gold, frankincense and myrrh." (From Wikipedia).  I suspect they had some sort of government role as we get the modern word magistrate. Three Wiseman, they came with a large army. They may have been three at the top of chain, or their could be a lot more than three. The followed a star to the newborn baby Jesus due to the prophecy in Isaiah. They arrive shortly after the birth of the savior of the world and give the baby Jesus  gold, frankincense and myrrh. Despite the criticism of the day Christmas is on, it is believed that they discovered him on December 25th.

Friday, August 16, 2013

Love Covers a Multitude of Sins

The bible (God's Word) says love covers a multitude of sins, but what does that actually mean ( 1 Peter 4:8)? According to Webster dictionary cover means:  to hide from sight or knowledge.

Now here is the scripture to go with it  Genesis 9 After the flood, Noah began to cultivate the ground, and he planted a vineyard. 21 One day he drank some wine he had made, and he became drunk and lay naked inside his tent. 22 Ham, the father of Canaan, saw that his father was naked and went outside and told his brothers. 23 Then Shem and Japheth took a robe, held it over their shoulders, and backed into the tent to cover their father. As they did this, they looked the other way so they would not see him naked. 24 When Noah woke up from his stupor, he learned what Ham, his youngest son, had do 25 Then he cursed Canaan, the son of Ham: “May Canaan be cursed! May he be the lowest of servants to his relatives.” 26 Then Noah said, “May the Lord, the God of Shem, be blessed, and may Canaan be his servant! 27 May God expand the territory of Japheth! May Japheth share the prosperity of Shem,  and may Canaan be his servant.”

Talk about God not shying away from the situation, it is very graphic in this instant. I can just see what he is saying now to his two brothers: Haha Dad is in their drunk and naked hahaha, you wont believe it you  got to come see it for yourselves. This is the important part: the two sons that covered their father were each individually blessed, while Ham was cursed. That is a strong indication we must not overlook.

God blesses the no gossipers, those who are not out to destroy other lives out of sick satisfaction. I've seen people who have went through a lot because a simple situation that could have been handled has turned into a big mess because of the intentions of others to hurt that individual. It literally makes me sick.

We really do have a perverted kick out of telling stuff, I mean how many can remember these situations: You wont believe, can you believe it, Huh I cant believe it, You are not going to believe this. What makes this worse is like the telephone game every time someone else tells it their is something added to it, by the time it gets through about 10 people you got a whole new story far worse than the first. We need to not expose them to others for their mistakes but pray for them and talk to them one on one.
                                                Love covers a multitude of sins!

Matthew 18:25  "If another believer sins against you, go privately and point out the offense. If the other person listens and confesses it, you have won that person back.

In this passage we are told how to handle conflict and what is being said basically after that verse that only if he doesn't listen go to two others, three others, and then finally before the whole church. But in most situations it should only be between you and that others person, as that is all that is usually needed! Most of the time though people gossip and go to others instead of going directly to that individual. I wonder how much pain and trouble could be avoided if we would just go to the person and say you know this is bugging me and I know the devil is making this a bigger deal than it needs to be, so I would just like to talk to you about it.

This isn't about condemnation, their is no condemnation for those in Christ but so we are better able to live and enjoy the life Jesus planned for us.  God bless!

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Stand with Christ in age of Radical and Extreme Secularism

In the modern age extreme secularism has become quite popular and its proponents A.C. Grayling, Richard Dawkins, Stephen Hawkings, Stephen Hitchens, and others have made quite a bit of a stir (and know doubt profit) off of it. We live in a period know as the end times (the time after Jesus's resurrection) and this particular period is a very odd time! Sadly their are some very shrill and I think this is due to the perceived version of some modern Christianity which doesn't go into the deeper exploration of Scripture and teachings and doesn't go deep into the teachings of our Lord. Their is a sense among these famous atheist's and or secularist who basically bought into the myth that Christianity would have died 30-50 years ago and are now saying man we need to try and make this happen.

First off Christianity has survived 2000yrs for one simple reason it is the truth and life transforming. Because a certain group of Christians are violent and seem to have more political than spiritual agenda's the finger has been pointed at Christians and they say it ruins society, they do bad things, they are bad for your health, and they are capable of incredible violence, better to get rid of and eradicate them now before its to late. Personally. A lot of these Secularists and extreme atheist use misdirection, untrue statements, and misguided and twisted facts to meet their ends!

My question is which God are they concerned with: the God of genuine Christianity or is the God of the rather water downed modern western Christianity that exist in many places today! The Good News is if we were being ineffective followers of Christ nobody would launch this kind of attack, it is actually because we are making waves that these attacks have been fired at us. Interestingly enough I say let them come we have nothing to be ashamed of,  we have the truth of the Good News. If our God is for us, who can stand against!

So let us change the world through the Good News, the love of Christ, and be a light unto the world! While we are being pressured to be quite and sit in a corner we will not be silenced, because the Love of God is more powerful. Christianity is a public profession of trust in the risen Lord, their is no good in being a Sunday only Christian and we must tell others about the reason of the hope within us. Also Christianity has made a enormous difference in the world as the first schools, hospitals, universities, and many other things came from Christian churches. Lets go back even to Pagan Rome before Christian influence: 40 percent were slaves, men and women fought one another to the death in the Colosseum, women had no rights, and the regular practice of fantasied
. I fervently believe in Christ and Christianity with all my heart, my soul, and strength-so I stand by God and will do so for eternity!

Saturday, August 10, 2013

Worry is the opposite of Faith, Trust God!

You know what I was thinking I am somebody who worries to much about the little things in life. Worry begins with a thought while faith is just the opposite. Faith starts in our hearts and is the gift of God, it is released through trust in God. We can either go on worry and sweating about the little things in life and worry and get anxious, or we can chose to trust him and having loving trusting ...thoughts and think about his promises. Worry enters our lives through our thoughts and doesn't God tell us not to lean our own understanding, as well as cast our burdens on him because he loves us and is willing and able to bear our burdens. Worry sees the problem but faith and trust sees the God that can handle the problem!

Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Sharing the Good News with Faith, Hope and Love

Their are places were Christians are more concerned with weather or not people know how to use all the hymnals, BCP (or other books depending on denominations), or know all the response's during worship service. Though we ultimately must remember this is about salvation and we must be more caring to those outside of the church, as the church is meant to draw others in, be a benefit to the world, and to do its best in following God and its will. Of course at times that the truth of the Good News will conflict with worldly understanding but that doesn't mean we  shouldn't invite people were they are as Christ can and will change them if it is his will. Yes the church isn't just their to reflect the trends of society either- we are also here to challenge the worst that their is and support what is good and constructive. The church should not be a place where you must know completely how to dress and act, as Jesus loves all and meets us where we are. We must not just invite people to have a saving relationship with Christ but also welcome them to the community, to the body of Christ. I think some Christians and I myself at times can be very judgmental and we mustn't be. We like to judge other peoples sins which isn't right- We go She (or he) must be a worse sinner than I, thank God. This is a parallel to the women who walks into Simons house with her head uncovered. Oh man, how scandalous ---she is a obviously a women of the street. Also she is embarrassing to them, as she is crying and particularly on our saviors feet and cleaning them with her hair. Oh gosh, I cant believe this, why Lord-this is crazy now she is covering him in perfume, We Cant Have This In A Proper House! What will people think? This just wont do at all, how could he let this happen (referring to Jesus). I guess we know what kind of person he is, as a man of God he should know better than to hang out with sinners. Despite what they think it is this women's love and humbleness before Jesus that brings her to be forgiven before the Lord, the Son of God. She doesn't even have to ask, Jesus knew in her heart she wanted to start over, to know God, to be forgiven, and for her heart to be changed and it was. Their is another aspect to Jesus's example that no matter your past God can forgive and loves you. Also it is an example that we shouldn't be always hanging around other followers of Christ, otherwise their is no one to witness to...It isn't going to do any good to always be bunched together, we need to go out into the world and proclaim the Good News and share God's love with all. Finally the last aspect is that we must realize we are still sinners too, we were once in that position and are sins are no less. We have been forgiven by Christ's sacrifice and we are to forgive others as God forgives us (Jesus told Peter 70 x 7)...God Bless

Saturday, July 27, 2013

Tidus warns us to preach the true Gospel of the Lord.

Tidus is often very busy telling us how one should behave and engage. A paraphrase of what he says is To teach what is consistent with sound doctrine; to be serious prudent and sound in faith love and endurance (it is a marathon, not a race). Let us not to slander others ourselves or anything in general, not to slaves to drink or more simply alcohol, teach what is good, to be self controlled, models of good work and integrity to show gravity and sound speech. We are told by the prophet to do these things not to win our salvation but as a response to God's grace and mercy, God loves us enough to save us from our missteps, misbehavior, sin, and our disasters continually! God loves us and respects us enough to not save us simply by making us puppets and pulling our strings or manipulating our actions. No, he has given us free will so we may chose, because Love is a choice and beyond just emotional aspects and without free will one can not really love. Instead God gives us amazing gifts and freedom and redemption. Any single one of these aught to be enough to bring us to our knees on their own, also to become people who do their best to show God that we respect and thank him for such Grace by trying to follow him and his Son to the best of our capabilities. It is our destiny to be faithful stewards to become more Christ centered. We are called to serve God not just because Must, we are called to serve God cause we can and this is the greatest of all honors, Amen.

Friday, July 26, 2013

God comes before All!

The modern world is very toxic to followers of Christ. Their are so many distractions to take us away from God. Their are so many different things that can really get us. We are so distracted in general with tv, school, hw, the treasures of this world, and more. Perhaps I should say burn what you worship and worship what you burn! Idolatry is still an issue for all of us who follow Christ, it really is they just may be a little different. A lot of people these days collect a whole bunch of teachings according to their own taste. We should ignore these as we have the Real God who loves us enough, a farther (which some would now would want us to say creator) who sends his only Son into the world to save it and die for our sins.  The trinity is not the Creator, the redeemer , an sanctifier.

No it is in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit! The modern world believes in the idea people can basically do whatever they want and you have to accept that. People now say you can lose weight through mother earth, get through depression with Mother Earth. I don't understand how intelligent people can get trapped in that,  but we just need to pray. Astrology is big now and I'm not sure why, their is all this creation up their designed by God. Their are five million people get the same message something good is going to happen. Yeah I can thank God for giving me another day. Now granted and admittedly most of us don't put up or set up statues of multiple god's on our alters anymore or as the prophet Jeremiah tells us as dumb scarecrows in our cucumber fields (Jeremiah is a cool prophet)!

 The way home, the way to God is through truth and light, and it isn't found in lesser things. However we always end up finding a way to worship lesser things church cannons, athletes, singers, parliamentary procedure, and more. Everywhere we go we can see the latest political issue or position becoming an Idol! Issues around immigration, debt ceiling, fiscal cliff, democrat vs republican, and more. They are all capable of being important, but are not the way to God. They are lesser things, were do we put our ultimate trust? We should put it into God, the source of all life, the loving God that saves us from our self, and our saviour who died for his love for us, the son of God, Jesus Christ. God Bless.

Thursday, July 25, 2013

Restored relationship with God the Father

Around the world diffrent cultures make ways to celebrate relationships in diffrent ways, such as in United States (and Im sure other places) Valentines day marks the love between two people. Nations mark relation with treaties and in several other ways. But what about relationions with God you say? God has his own way of setting relation. One of the first ways God showed he will not abandon us despite our fall and continued sin is through the rainbow which is a sign that after the great flood is his sign of restored relations saying that kind of global destruction will ever happen again (at least not by God's hands. God's creation is beutiful as he creates the sun, the moon, all the creatures of the land and water, and more. Then he creates humans and they are very good, however after the fall of man we realize that our relationship with God had been severly damaged. Though God would not leave us this way though because he loves us. God sent his son Jesus Christ into the world so he might save it, and he does save us. Through the Cross-his blood and sacrifice as the perfect passover lamb he saves us from our sins, saves us fromm the death meant for us. His love changes the world and changes us and he restores the realtion that was broken between God and humans. We see this at our Baptism in a special way after we are baptised into Christ we here you are my beloved, as in we adopted into God's family and through Jesus we are made into children of God. We cant love God unless we really know he loves us, which is made obvious through his sacrifice for us and the Word says We love him because he loved us first.

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

A deeper look into God's Plan John 3:16

You will notice that it doesnt say that God so loves Christians, followers of Jesus, or God so loves the churches in this verse, but it does say that he so loved the world. This has two main points - God Loves all people and desires them to be saved. In the Older Testement God says he desires to be a light to all nations, and to be the Glory of his people Israel. All people no matter who they are are loved by God regardless of Race, Color, or social economic status are within the confines of God's plans for Salvation. No one is excluded no matter how small they may be, how old, and at whatever stage of life, however do not let yourself forget the word used here for world is cosmos. This means God's plans for redeeming the whole of the universe and all that is, and we musnt ever lose sight of this fact that God's plan is bigger than us, bigger than the Christian Church, bigger than us as followers of Christ, and bigger than the whole of humanity even. It is nothing less than the transformation of this universe that he has created conforms to his original purpose- his purpose for us, the paradise we once had, and for his Glory. The church and world are still seperate distinctions, but some day they shall be one with God! Amen

John 3:16 - 17 “For God loved the world so much that he gave his one
and only Son, so that everyone who believes in him will not perish but have
eternal life. God sent his Son into the world not
to judge the world, but to save the world through him.


Monday, July 22, 2013

Why is Bad Theology so dangerous?

Bad theology is bad for one spiritual, mentally, and physically. I personally believe biblical literacy is at all low within modern American culture. Between the health and wellness preachers and all the strange liberation theology that is around we have really turned a mockery into God's word. One may ask the implications of bad theology besides obviously damaging your relationship with God. The answer to bad Theology is not no theology but good Theology for we must study God's word as it is a lamp unto our feet and is where we meet God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit (we meet them outside the word too but that is another topic). Their are layers of Gods Word- their is a divine level, allegorical, and when you go back about 200 years it was considered one needed a whole lifetime to live with scripture and let it permeate one's soul. To me they were right 200 years ago.

Anyways some of the most heart wrenching and atrocious events in history have been the result of bad understanding of God's word and the honest truth sometimes bad theology even kills people. From the KKK, the Westboro Baptist Church, the burning of witches in England and America, to Adolf Hitler (admittedly not a Christian at all, just used a limited understanding to control and dictate people)who said just as Jesus cleanses the temple of the brute of vipers I am cleansing the world of Jews and doing Gods work in doing so, to the Spanish Inquisition, the crusades. Their is a lot of Bad theology admittedly some are not as violent as these extreme examples but a spiritually destructive.

Some of the modern garbage that is out their is America is the light of the world or as Bush thinks that America's ideals are the light of the world. Um their is a bible verse similar but quite different to that for sure, it goes or as Obama says that America is the last best hope of the planet. No that ain't true we know that we all the light of the world and the hope of the planet and it isn't America, but Jesus Christ the saviour of the world. I love my country but this is wrong. We like to think we are good and doing good but remember the bible us Nobody is good but God! God should be before all else.

So here is some advice about how to avoid such bad understanding of God's word: When reading God's word try and read at different levels. When reading at different levels it helps one to understand and dig deeper into his word. My way doing it is reading is as follows: I start with the face value or literal reading of the passage I am studying, next I look at the historical and social/political context of the passage, and then the deep reading where I try to discern God's will for my life. Another important thing to do is to find yourself a good teacher that is father along on the walk with Christ so that you may learn from them. However also you must remember to spend time on your own with prayer and his word.  If you want answers to anything your greatest tool is prayer to God-tell him what your confused about and ask him to reveal his truth to you and surely he will answer, don't go running for the opinions of people.

Now to leave with some scriptural basis:
Amplified bible 2 Timothy 2: 13-17
13 If we are faithless [do not believe and are untrue to Him], He remains true (faithful to His Word and His righteous character), for He cannot deny Himself. 14 Remind [the people] of these facts and [solemnly] charge them in the presence of the Lord to avoid petty controversy over words, which does no good but upsets and undermines the faith of the hearers. 15 Study and be eager and do your utmost to present yourself to God approved (tested by trial), a workman who has no cause to be ashamed, correctly analyzing and accurately dividing [rightly handling and skillfully teaching] the Word of Truth.16 But avoid all empty (vain, useless, idle) talk, for it will lead people into more and more ungodliness.17 And their teaching [will devour; it] will eat its way like cancer or spread like gangrene.

So one last word of advice: avoid and beware of loud mouth teachers who have something to prove and are trying to sell you DVD's on crazy teachings as we have more that enough proof in the Bible, which is the light to our feet. God Bless 

Thursday, July 18, 2013

God hears our Prayers

Does God hear and or answer prayers? What do you think? He most certainly does!!!! Remember when God's people were wandering in the dessert for years and years and years and years! God heard those people and Moses now didnt he. When God hears us Cry out, what does he do you may be asking yourself. God is with us even as Jesus and God the Father preside in Heaven the third part of the trinity the Holy Spirit is here with us and when two or more gather in God's name, Jesus is in the midst. Jesus is always in our hearts. We are the hands and feet, the body of Christ until Jesus returns. God often answers using us, his people! That is part or one way God answers, but that isnt all. God motivates us to respond to those who cry out, the poor who need us, the sick, and the lowest among us.

As followers of Christ it is our job to answer God's call for us to help those people. God can hear us, for God is love! God hears us through many ways-through our worries, our prayers or conversations with him, through the suffering of the world, through the love in the world, he hears us when we are gathered as his body for sure, God is beyond humanity. God is mroe than the human part of creation!!! God created all that is and it all reflects his awesome glory and power and love in some way. This shows his ability to create and heal all that is and bring life out of nothing and death. We need to listen to God in our lives, he speaks to us through nature, God is also in the scilence. It is often a subtle and quiet, yet quite obvious feeling in your heart were you here God answer your prayers and suddenly you know what God is telling you. Encouraging video below for the short hymn Here our Pray O' Lord

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

The Good Shepard

Throughout the bible we know of shepards- David leading his people, Moses, the shepards that saw the north Star, Jesus our Messiah, and probley think of throughout God's Holy Word. We are the sheep and that is not necessarily a compliment (people dont often know this). In ancient Palestine sheep did not have a good reputation to say the least as they are not very bright, and they need lots of direction as they are easily lead astray. However, Jesus says that those who lead the sheep away are these and bandits and wouldnt use the gateway.

Their is another analogy by Jesus that says their will be wolves in sheep clothing, trying to decieve those who are following the Good Shepard. A good shepard is far superior to a highered hand because he isinvested and loves his sheep, willing to leave the 99 to go after one, now that is love. Now these wolves would have a hard time getting in when these sheppards slept in the gateway forcing these wolves to go right over him to get to the sheep (not going to be very easy at all). Jesus is also the gateway into the corall, where all that wish to live with him in pastures a million times greener than the healthiest found in ancient palestine, paradise. Jesus is eluted to in Psalm 23 where it says the LORD is my Sheppard and I shall not want, he shall lead me to calm and crisp water. He will protect us from all evil with his rod and his staff, aka the sheppards crook, guidiing his followers like sheep with his crook, making sure we stay on path so we may not stray and can enjoy a life of undending for all time paradise with him.

His love for us is amazing as he lays down his life for us such as when he died for our sins, the nails in him our sin, taking the nails for us and rising again. Whover goes through his gate will go in and out and be safe and find pasture. He came so we may have abundant life. As he says we know how to discern his voice and those loyal to him sha
ll follow.

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Baptism in the Holy Spirit

We have all have had times when we just wish we could start again. It might have been the more you said the deeper the whole you created became. It might have been a relationship where something might have went wrong, and you where never able to put things right again. You might feel its all too late. You can be of any age, color, race , socio economic status, for God celebrates all of His creation. God is love, with God it is never too late and you are always capable of making a fresh start. Baptism is such a wonderful change, you are now dead to selfishness and hate, so powerful that Jesus said it is being born again of water and spirit. Being able to start a new life with God, all mistakes of the past wiped clean, we may still need to face and the consequences of some of these mistakes, but out of God's love for his precious creation promises to give us what we need to live this new life well, making a fresh and renewing relationship with God. Amen.

Monday, July 15, 2013

Angels? What exactly are they

   First off let me start by saying Archangel Rafael will not be discussed since I have never read the appocryphal/deutercononical books and theirfore dont have a theological opinion on this matter and I am not going to comment on what I know but on what God has already revealed to me. To start off Arch Angels are high ranked angel who is in charge of other angels.

  Gabriel is well knowan an angel who typically serves as a messenger sent from God to certain people. From Wikipedia "The Gospel of Luke, Gabriel appeared to Zecharias, and to the virgin Mary foretelling the births of John the Baptist and Jesus, respectively (Luke 1:11–38). In the Book of Daniel, he is referred to as "the man Gabriel", while in the Book of Luke, Gabriel is referred to as "an angel of the Lord" (Luke 1:11). Now Michael is known more as a warrior- from Wikipedia "Michael is mentioned three times in the Book of Daniel, once as a "great prince who stands up for the children of your people". In the book of Revalation we are told that Michael shall be the leader of God's army against that of Satan. where during the war in heaven he defeats Satan. The Epistle of Jude Michael is specifically referred to as an "archangel".

  Regular angels are often charecterised as messengers of God (which they are). It is a source of debate whether they have wings and whether their phyiscal or strictly spiritual beings, however this is of no great theological importance. Angels are creatures of good, spirits of love, and messengers of the savior Jesus Christ (well except for the fallen ones). Diffrent angels are considered to have diffrent roles that they are used for. And although angels have greater knowledge than men, they are not omniscient, as Matthew 24:36 points out. Also we are told that after we are redeemed and saved in heaven we will be above angels (which some have suggested is one of the Reasons lucifer rebelled against God.

  While their is no direct connection to quote end quote Guardian Angels in the bible, we do see that at least some angels take on a similar wrole to what is often considered a guardian angel. While the term guardian angel doesnt exist within the bible, for all intesive purposes some angels basically have the same role as Pslam 91 tells us make it clear that angels do watch over us and that angels are extremely interested in us believers. Mathew 18:10 Jesus: "Beware that you don't look down on any of these little ones. For I tell you that in heaven their angels are always in the presence of my heavenly Father."....  so basically for all intesive purpose children have guardian angels just not in terms of that particular word.

Hope this helps, God Bless.

Friday, July 12, 2013

Testifying to the Truth in Faith and Expectance

The basis of this study or devotional is from John chapters 18 and 19. We want to get a complete picture of John's passion for Christ. Johns account leading up to the Crucifixion and death of our Lord and Saviour take a different role, surprisingly enough it isn't the priestly or prophetic aspect of Christ that John highlights but that of the Kingly role of Christ our dying saviour, I say this extremely ironic since John's Gospel unlike the others doesn't give an account for the kingdom of God.
Very surprisingly John doesn't focus on his Kingly aspects until ch 18. John only mentions the word King and Kingdom 6 times prior, only 6. The previous three are filled with these themes through and through. They explode towards the end of this Gospel though. Jesus mentions that this Kingdom is not of this world. 16 times the Greek words for King and Kingdom are used in these two chapters. What does it mean to be followers of this King that is not of this world. Do we really have Faith because that is what we are called to do. A recent poll states that 86 percent of all United States citizens consider themselves to be Christians at some level, but less than half knew who preached the sermon on the Mount (kind of shocking). This poll also said 60 % of the country was in church last Easter yet this is the scary part 1 of 4 did not know what Easter celebrated. The questions in ultimately do we have ears to hear, do we have faith to believe it, do we believe and trust and boldly and proudly declare that Christ is our King and Saviour.
Another questions is do we understand it. This is so significant because this helps to distinguish greatly the Difference between the Kingdom of God and any traditional kingdom. Pilate and Jesus dialogue sum up this difference...Pilate ask Christ are you the king of the Jews. He asks am I a Jew. And Pilate continues to press and Jesus says that his Kingdom is not of this world. Jesus said if my kingdom was from here my followers would have fought for my life. Pilate replies Snap! you are a king then. Jesus says basically you say I am a King and I have come into this world also to testify the Truth!
Everyone on the side of Truth listens to me. How do explain this amazing spiritual Kingdom to anyone who is absorb and lives in such a material world. My Kingdom is not of this world. We as followers of Jesus must remember that our Kingdom is not of this world. Jesus is not a king of a particular people or of a parcel of land but of All and ultimately of divine Truth. This truth is not simply a proposition to which one can ascend, but the very Gospel that Jesus life bears witness to. A truth to which people belong. I want to share a story that relates to this situations. God calls us to be servant on our turf, to be a witness and a light to a dark world were for every 60 people that attend an Easter service, 15 don't know what they are celebrating. Perhaps your turf is the baseball diamond, recording studio, an office, the architectural firm, car dealership, guitar shop, exc.
God is present in all things and places in life and he should be in all things we do. Winning or losing, in triumphs and in tragedy. Where's your turf and does God rule you their, is he at the center of your life and in all things you do. Not just when your winning, but also when you are losing. Not just during the triumphs but also in the tragedies of your life. Does God rule them? We are called to testify to the truth, of the Good News of Jesus Christ and the coming of his kingdom. When truth wakes us up, it also requires action.
In order to proclaim and testify truth we must live in it Truth doesn't obey our plans and our desires, it transforms us and our plans. When we open our hearts and minds to God, we grasp the power of truth. What does this mean? At times the truth can be tough to follow but this helps us to analyze why we believe what we believe, why we have faith in Christ our Saviour, why we see things unseen, why we are children of the Most high God. It often informs us that we are to be transformed by internal conflict, we must wrestle with scripture, we must ask to the tough questions for without this we will not grow in Christ. If you want answers take it up in prayer to God, for surely he will answer you. Remember when you are struggling that it is never the last word, the last word Belongs to God who will not abandon you. Freedom from fear: freedom from the fear of want and need, free from the fear of death, absolute freedom.
Resolve to testify to the hope that is within you (biblical reference). A truth that sets you free and perhaps even those around you. And remember whoever you are and wherever you are on your walk with Christ speak truth to power, speak truth in love, and most importantly speak truth even when your voice quivers (spelling) because that is how the Lord of all, Lord of Lords and King of Kings wants us to live. I will end with this John 4:24 (NLT) For God is Spirit, so those who worship him must worship in spirit and in truth. God Bless and Amen.

Thursday, July 11, 2013

Showing the Love of God

We are called to show our love to God to others and we know this by John 13:35 NLT Your love for one another will prove to the world that you are my disciples. Jesus us to whole, Jesus calls you to be loving, Jesus calls us to be inclusive and invite all to the table. We experience all that God is in Jesus in his life, ministry, and every day lessons.Truely Jesus is the messiah, our saviour, the Son of God. The mark of Jesus's disciple is to be loving.
        Their was a time in my life when I wanted to be a med. doctor however I wasnt able to get into the shop in high school, but someone noticing I was down decided to talk spend the time talking to me making my day better. The little connections we make later can be part of how we witness to others and also shows others God's love. Kind acts of love are something people never forget, that they take with them their whole life.
         Sometimes we are called on to show God's love to and respond to those very diffrent from us and it cant strech us like never before. We must love and recieve people as they are such as a leper with an ear falling off and a caved in nose. Remember Jesus was always loving and kind to those who where outcasted by society at large- We must stand by and love those who have been seen as unclean for whatever reason as unclean or in some cases even beyond the Love of God. The thing is nothing is beyond God's love for people and expects us to try and do the same. We must welcome all to God's table and leave some of it up to God to change that person. What we must do is let them know we are their with them on their walk with Christ. We must address who God brings to us.
       Jesus didnt want the leper to simply be clean, but also to feel clean as well. Jesus was unafraid to touch and he wanted him to go back and be judged clean so once again he could be apart of his community and to feel loved once again. Jesus desired for the man to be comfortable in his own skin, be able to percieve himself as whole, as a child of the most high and wonderful God. When we touch peoples deepest need and help them it touches their body, mind, soul, and strength. Our witness is that everyone is presish in God's eyes, he wishes none to pairsh (though ultimately some will), and no one and I mean no one is ouside God's loving touch. 
      Jesus wants us to have life and have it abudantly. It is a call to life, it is a call to love, it is call to be all you can be made in the image of God. We must spread this abudant life through our love and through the Good News. When we finally learn this is a big portion of the message again, when we realise this once again, the world will begin once again to look at the body of Christ and see and find life, love, and wholeness. For that Folks is what God is all about, and that is what we as disciples of Jesus must also be all about. God Bless.

Saturday, July 6, 2013

The Exodus-God is Liberating his People, what is their responce

The Exodus of all of God's chosen people is a liberation, commemorating the
unprecedented and dramatic redemption from slavery of the Israelite nation.
The Torah or our Old Testament depicts this liberation as one of the world’s
greatest moments in all of history: we see this people, six hundred thousand
strong, bearing all their possessions in bundles on their backs, standing on the
banks of the Red Sea. However before them the raging waters; behind, fierce
Egyptian army lead by the Pharaoh. For may this historic moment is known, even
to those who never had read the Holy Scriptures, the word of our Lord. We all
know this story. We’re used to regarding it as a tale of historical and
political liberation, which it certainly is, but for the first time I understood
this on a deeper level as well, to the point where yesterday I was brought to my
knees in humbleness and awe of our Lord God. This is also a story of a spiritual
liberation, about growth in God for Moses. This comes as a guy who was high up
in Egyptian society that ignores his Jewish roots, abandons the God of his
fathers to worship the Egyptian lifeless gods and goddess's, and murders an
Egyptian who was working the Hebrews too hard. Then one of the sheep (I’m
skipping around a little assuming that you guys know some of these details, if a
bit fuzzy please go back to Exodus the second book in the bible to fill in the
blanks) leads him down into what I can only think of as a cave like structure.
What Happens next is truly amazing!!!

Please Read Exodus 3: 2-22 in you favorite Bible translation and continue on:

Truly this is amazing, God liberating his people. Many people do not understand the Old Testament, but it is a story (a true and historical story mind you) that God liberate those who love him and picks up the low in society, gives justice, loves the humble, and raises the lowest in
society. Even when the Son of God came to us in his riches and permanently too
place in our humanity, sunk really low, relied on people early in his life, was
a carpenter, corrected what went wrong which was no fault of his own, suffered
crucifixion, rose again, permanently bears the marks of your sins, and loves us
unconditionally anyways. This is truly amazing. God is the GREATEST!!! However
here in America we still have slaves, usually young human trafficking slaves,
and across the world there are more slaves than ever which means we are not
doing our part as God's people, as disciples of Jesus. If we look at Exodus from
the narrator (Moses) and what he is trying to convey through the Holy Spirit is
that the People (God's Children) being liberated by God from the hands of the
ruthless Egyptian pharaoh and his people. As followers of Christ we tend to
identify with Moses the narrator but perhaps we should take a closer look For
those in the west we should realize wait a minute, we are not the Israel but we
are the Egyptians but in fact living in the so called first world and we are
very much so more like the Egyptians which is not a good thing. I think the west
has always struggled with these issues throughout history! We need to remember
God loves all and deposes the proud and the unjust.

God's liberation of his people via the exodus out of Egypt was the primary celebration is the Jewish Passover and Jesus is the modern Passover. Just as the blood of the Lamb in Exodus allows for death to pass over his People, we are marked by the Sinless lamb Jesus Christ by which we are saved from sin and the second death. God Bless.