The bible (God's Word) says love covers a multitude of sins, but what does that actually mean ( 1 Peter 4:8)? According to Webster dictionary cover means: to hide from sight or knowledge.
Now here is the scripture to go with it Genesis 9 After the flood, Noah began to cultivate the ground, and he planted a vineyard. 21 One day he drank some wine he had made, and he became drunk and lay naked inside his tent. 22 Ham, the father of Canaan, saw that his father was naked and went outside and told his brothers. 23 Then Shem and Japheth took a robe, held it over their shoulders, and backed into the tent to cover their father. As they did this, they looked the other way so they would not see him naked. 24 When Noah woke up from his stupor, he learned what Ham, his youngest son, had do 25 Then he cursed Canaan, the son of Ham: “May Canaan be cursed! May he be the lowest of servants to his relatives.” 26 Then Noah said, “May the Lord, the God of Shem, be blessed, and may Canaan be his servant! 27 May God expand the territory of Japheth! May Japheth share the prosperity of Shem, and may Canaan be his servant.”
Talk about God not shying away from the situation, it is very graphic in this instant. I can just see what he is saying now to his two brothers: Haha Dad is in their drunk and naked hahaha, you wont believe it you got to come see it for yourselves. This is the important part: the two sons that covered their father were each individually blessed, while Ham was cursed. That is a strong indication we must not overlook.
God blesses the no gossipers, those who are not out to destroy other lives out of sick satisfaction. I've seen people who have went through a lot because a simple situation that could have been handled has turned into a big mess because of the intentions of others to hurt that individual. It literally makes me sick.
We really do have a perverted kick out of telling stuff, I mean how many can remember these situations: You wont believe, can you believe it, Huh I cant believe it, You are not going to believe this. What makes this worse is like the telephone game every time someone else tells it their is something added to it, by the time it gets through about 10 people you got a whole new story far worse than the first. We need to not expose them to others for their mistakes but pray for them and talk to them one on one.
Love covers a multitude of sins!
Matthew 18:25 "If another believer sins against you, go privately and point out the offense. If the other person listens and confesses it, you have won that person back.
In this passage we are told how to handle conflict and what is being said basically after that verse that only if he doesn't listen go to two others, three others, and then finally before the whole church. But in most situations it should only be between you and that others person, as that is all that is usually needed! Most of the time though people gossip and go to others instead of going directly to that individual. I wonder how much pain and trouble could be avoided if we would just go to the person and say you know this is bugging me and I know the devil is making this a bigger deal than it needs to be, so I would just like to talk to you about it.
This isn't about condemnation, their is no condemnation for those in Christ but so we are better able to live and enjoy the life Jesus planned for us. God bless!
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